We manifest our own reality based on our thinking. It is a choice between above the line thinking or below the line thinking. Simply put, approaching a situation with a negative attitude, will get a negative result. Likewise, having a positive attitude will yield a positive result.
For example, if you look in the mirror and think to yourself that "I hate my life" or "I hate my job", you will be right. If you focus on thoughts of stress, anger, frustration or fear then that is what you are projecting and that is what you will get in return.
Prior habits of thinking influenced by behavior and beliefs that are formed from life experiences tend to dominate our thought patterns. Often, people are on automatic pilot with their thoughts and judgements. Start paying attention to individual thoughts and perform an audit. Notice to what extent your thoughts stay above the line or go below the line. It is easy to know the difference as above the line thoughts are healthy and positive and make people feel good. Below the line thinking is unhealthy and negative and make people feel bad.
When you can begin to recognize thoughts that go below the line then you can stop and change the narrative in your mind to above the line thinking. For example, if you catch yourself being stressed about a difficult conversation you need to have with someone and you realize that you feel angst toward that person, try to flip the script. It is better to step into that conversation feeling optimistic and open rather than angry or with prejudice. Allowing yourself to focus on destructive, negative and unhealthy perspectives will manifest a negative result. However, if you transform your thoughts into constructive, positive and healthy perspectives, then that will become your reality. Imagine the difference between having a conversation with someone you perceive to be a failure verses someone you perceive as having potential to reach mutual agreement and alignment together.
You may not be able to control all circumstances of a situation, but you can control how to show up or respond to that situation. For the best outcome, be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions so they match the desired goal. It is choosing to think above the line rather than below the line.
Our thinking shapes our beliefs, our beliefs shape our actions and our actions shape our outcomes. If you want better outcomes and results, start with your thinking.